Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Two more

a couple more shots of B...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Home for the Holidays *sneak peek*

Thanks again for having me come up yesterday, I had a blast with your busy family. Here are just a few, I should have the rest for you soon!


Friday, November 28, 2008

Beautiful Brooklyn

Today I am thankful for beautiful babies that make my job easy! This precious babe was an angel and slept almost the whole time. Congrats again guys she is so darling.

I will have more for you soon!


Thursday, November 6, 2008

More Fall Pictures | Utah Valley

Well, they really do grow up way too fast! I can't believe that G is 4 1/2 already and so smart and funny. It seems like forever since I have taken pictures of him so I grabbed him for a few singles last week.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Have you voted yet????

As soon as Ben gets back from the polls (he said it looks to be about an hour wait) I will head over!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Beautiful Sisters

Here are the rest of the beauties from last week! Thanks ladies, I had a great time.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Feisty Redhead

I really do love this age, three is when they have so much personality and they can express themselves so well! When you get genuine smiles from kids this age they light up the room (and gramma's face :)

Okay ladies, here is Bella's sneak peek, I will try to get some of the sisters up soon!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Few More

from Saturday's Wheeler Farm session. Thanks again guys, your gallery will be done soon!


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Blond Beauty

This is the first picture I edited from today's session and I just love it! I know it's not a smiling shot, but I think it matches her intense personality. Thanks for the great session this morning, I will add a few more in the next couple days until your gallery is ready!

~ Cat

Friday, October 3, 2008

* Aly *

How sweet is this princess! She was such an angel, I really love this age.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Utah State Fair

Just wanted to share my excitement that this photograph placed 3rd in the Humor category at the Utah State Fair this year!

Thanks everyone for your support, encouragement and most of all allowing me to share the adorable faces of your children!


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cutie Patootie

Wanted to post a few of this cutie, sorry it's been so long!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Sorry this will be a post without pictures! I have many pictures of the WTC, but they were long before the digital revolution. Just thought I would reminisce for a minute about the day it happened...

I was getting ready for work, a big out-of-town client was coming in that day. I always watched CNN while I got ready (just married 4 months, no kids) and tuned in just after the first tower was hit. I stopped getting ready and sat down in disbelief! I grew up in upstate NY and have been to the WTC many times. The news showed the single smoking building for so long and then out of nowhere the second plane went in! I really felt like my heart stopped at that instant, I will never forget how it felt like the world stopped right then. I immediately went to wake up my DH who was still in bed and we watched in stunned silence. The whole time I was just thinking, "boy, it is going to take so long to fix the towers"! I knew that the Empire State building had been hit by planes before and obviously it is still standing, so nothing could have prepared me for seeing the first tower go down. I remember that we had been listening to people IN the towers talking on their cell phones to the news stations, saying how they were heading to the roof and they were just waiting for help to arrive. Knowing that they were still there when the towers went down... Oh, it just broke my heart.

Then the news that the Pentagon had been hit and started showing the news there, I just kept thinking "what the h*ll is going on"???? I just couldn't process it happening so fast. I knew I was seeing history in the making and that big things were coming. Then the confusion when the last flight crashed in a field and we didn't know why. To know now that those brave people sacrificed their own lives to take down that plane... Just ordinary people doing something extraordinary when I'm sure they were so scared.

Well, but this time I was 2 hours late for work and I couldn't stay home to watch any longer. I had clients coming in and I could think of nothing except that I couldn't get a hold of my brother in Albany or my parents in Binghamton. The phone lines were so jammed that I couldn't get through. I got to work and our client's plane had been grounded in TX when they were on the tarmac, so we all watched the news and I kept trying to reach my family. I was terrified that my Dad might have been in NYC for business and worried about my brother who is in the Navy. What would this mean for him? Would he be deployed instantly? Would he be safe?

I finally got a hold of my SIL and she said that my brother had been called in to the base, and that my parents were actually driving up to see them! So my family was safe and I felt like I could breathe a little again. After watching the news for hours they finally sent everyone home. I was able to talk to my parents and knew that my family was all safe (for now), but I (like everyone else) knew that this was just the beginning. I pray every day for the safety of those who are trying to protect us and keep us safe.

Now I need to go hug my kids and call my mom...


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Excuse me ma'am

Do you know how fast you were going?

Friday, August 29, 2008


I just have to share a sneak peek of this cutie! Her little dress is straight from Hawaii so we had to get a couple of shots. Such a sassy model!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Singing the Blues

I love how the blue clothes these kids are wearing give a very "beachy" feel to these pictures. Especially with the white door I think. Anyway, I'm so glad I could do this session with you, I hope you enjoy the rest!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

We like it HOT!

Wow, it has been so hot the last few weeks, I am already looking forward to fall! I was hoping it would be a little cooler at 6:30 last night, but I was toasty by the time we finished. Good thing you guys are used the the Arizona heat! Thanks for being troopers, Rylie's cuteness totally made it worth it! Good to see you again, I will let you know when your gallery is ready.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I'm back!

Whew! We are finally back in town and should be staying put for a while! While we were in New York visiting family we had the fabulous opportunity to meet up with a fellow photog, Kim Prochazka. She was so kind to take pictures of my huge family (check out her blog for the sneak peek) and I took a few for her as well. Her kids are soo beautiful! I can't imagine how she gets anything accomplished with these energetic kids running around.

Kim, thanks again for meeting up with me, we'll have to do it again next time I'm in town, or if you ever make it out this way!